Black Friday Fever Raises Up!

At last it is upon us. The crazy day when wallets feel bottomless, the body amazingly brisk, and you yourself like having the whole world at your feet. The frantic day of unrestrained shopping spree called BLACK FRIDAY! As each year, ModulesGarden goes to great lengths to satisfy your hunger for smashing bargains – just wait to see what we have come up for you this time! Continue reading

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XXL Webhosting Efficiency Boost with Antares!

ModulesGarden did it again. Yet another company has been helped to thrive through the custom software, able to develop further with a clear perception of its full potential, and of new opportunities to be taken up. Very recently, we met up with the Founder of XXL Webhosting, Sander Cruiming, for a virtual brainstorming session about the modern demands of the web hosting business and how the tailor-made cPanel Dispatcher – a complete standalone system developed by ModulesGarden from square one using the Antares Project – has made coping with them a tonne easier. Continue reading

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Trick or Treat!

Fancifully carved out jack-o’-lanterns and skeleton-like figures scattered around the whole yard, hordes of kids in zombie, ghost, and superhero costumes going door to door in the hunt for candies, adults throwing theme parties. We all love the Halloween tradition, but let us be honest – the pattern tends to keep repeating itself every year, isn’t it? So, is there anything about this one of the most awaited for celebrations of the year that can still take you by surprise? We bet there is! More – we personally will see to it that this year’s Halloween is unforgettable experience for all of you! Continue reading

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Five Tricks To Step Up Your Business

While setting up an online business, everyone is expecting a fierce competition with other, similarly targeted businesses. What may take you unawares though, is the internal battle you will be additionally torn apart by from the inside and nagging questions: how do I recognize my clients’ needs? How do I cope with all financial intricacies of the business? How do I resist getting crashed by the burden of all responsibilities? If these concerns keep you up at night and drive you close to giving your business up, hold your horses for now! We have compiled a list of a few particularly useful tips that should put your mind at ease and set your enterprise in the right direction. Continue reading

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Heat Up Your Fall With Our Hot Promotion!

During fall the level of your motivation may mysteriously decrease – maybe you have already fallen victim to this common ailment. Fortunately, ModulesGarden knows a trick or two how to uplift your spirits in an instant! Drive all the bleak thoughts away with our freshly launched, unmatched promotion– save a considerable amount of money by spending money! Is it even possible? Read on and decide for yourself! Continue reading

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Multibrand For WHMCS Reinvented!

It raises no doubts that the 21st century witnesses an unprecedented expansion of online businesses intended on bringing ever-innovative products and services to the market, fueled by the continuously transforming demand. Some entrepreneurs go even a step further. Multibranding, that is building and managing several autonomous brands, is no small task, yet it enjoys a rising level of interest among many business owners. Continue reading

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Social Media – 5 Benefits For Your Business

Providing you are not a traveller from a different space and time, you most certainly have heard the term ‘social media’ on multiple occasions. Nevertheless, this topic is as broad as it is captivating and we could elaborate on what social media are forever, but it will really be more informative to just consider some of its concrete advantages instead. Continue reading

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WHMCS V6.3 Support

Aggressive, highly competitive-driven transformation is by far the most indispensable factor of the modern IT sphere. If your software gear is not tuned into this increasingly rapid tempo of evolution, you cannot expect your business to unfold either. Continue reading

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All-In-One Solutions For Your Business

Since 2011, ModulesGarden has been on the lookout for unique solutions for the web hosting industry. With this goal in our minds, we relentlessly strive for excellence to bring you answers to the questions on how to stay competitive and succeed in business. Continue reading

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Tune Up For The Summer Vibe Of Innovation!

Among the myriad of questions we receive when guiding clients through our custom software development services, two are asked every single time, regardless of what their business needs or requirements are. How fast will you deliver a final product? How much will it cost? With our Summer Promotion, you are certain to find answers to your deepest satisfaction! Continue reading

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3rd Generation Of Resellers Center For WHMCS

In this day and age, when trends in all manner of spheres, including professional ones, evolve at the speed of light, it is an absolute must for business owners to think ahead, act ahead and stay ahead of the curve. ModulesGarden continues to aid companies in gathering momentum by providing future-proof software capable of matching shifts in demands of clientele.

A perfect example of such is our Resellers Center For WHMCS. Continue reading

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Best Wishes For Easter Holidays!

The entire team at ModulesGarden finds true joy in sending the warmest wishes of a safe and blissful Easter to our dearest customers, business partners and software enthusiasts from all over the globe. Thank you for maintaining full confidence in our mission, no words can describe how much of a blessing is to have your continued support! We hope you all find some time amid the holiday celebration to wind down and relax with those closest to your hearts. Continue reading

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World Hosting Days 2017, like no other festival, every year unites the enthusiasts of online creativity from all over the world. People with unique approach to the hosting craft meet up to put it all together – transferable skills, expert knowledge and inventive energy to bear on the world of digital technology. Certainly, ModulesGarden could not have missed the opportunity to be there! Continue reading

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ModulesGarden In Full Bloom Just Before Spring!

Although spring does not officially begin until 20th March, this widely anticipated season of the most blooming promotions has already sprung into life in ModulesGarden! Continue reading

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Keenly Awaited QuickBooks Desktop For WHMCS!

Every business owner should attach cardinal importance to deploying 100% efficient and reliable accounting software as it brings about a long series of profound effects on business sustainability. This golden rule has been an inseparable companion to our work on the first QuickBooks module dedicated to the integration of WHMCS data into the QuickBooks Online platform – and the very same concept remained our main drive while we created QuickBooks Desktop For WHMCS! Continue reading

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Have a Very Merry Holiday Season!

Undoubtedly, this year marks a turning point in the history of ModulesGarden and there is a huge deal of accomplishments we can be thankful for. While we savor the tranquil ambiance of the holiday season, we reflect on how much we value the generous support of our business partners, friends and customers. We would like to express our most sincere thanks for your unflagging presence and never-ending supplies of inspiration, wish you all well-earned peace and wonderful joy during Christmas and through the coming year. Continue reading

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ModulesGarden Has Changed For You

We have been unceasingly assisting customers seeking a unique approach to their businesses since 2011. We help enterprises all around the world to achieve that unique approach through bringing desired automation and a personal touch to every part of their professional activities. How do we make that happen? We create software with full commitment and attention to the finest detail. Continue reading

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Get Tailored-Made Software In Next To No Time!

The notable advance effected in WHMCS behind the release of its 7th version has given our team the ideal chance to follow unprecedented routes to pursue new intriguing challenges in realms of custom software development. The diverse suite of novel attributes offered by WHMCS V7 encourage plenty of original ideas that lead to unlocking greater scope for innovation in businesses of any nature. Continue reading

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Cyber Monday Sales Arrived!

The second most feverishly anticipated event in a bargain hunting calendar has officially begun so it is only right and proper that we dish out some absolutely splendid Cyber Monday savings to our dearest customers! Continue reading

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Black Friday Deals Unveiled!

Much to delight of all bargain hunters, the retail equivalent of the Super Bowl is finally upon us! We are wildly excited to present you the Black Friday deal you are now offered to benefit freely from. Continue reading

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