Next-gen WordPress automation with PanelAlpha!

If you follow our professional journey at least for a while, you are likely to know that we aspire to raise the bar ever higher with each innovative project we get off the ground. Our new WordPress-aimed undertaking is the best proof of that. It is for us a moment of great pride to officially announce that the opening stage of works on PanelAlpha has just gotten underway! Continue reading

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Kicking off the Summer Bash

Ah, sweet summertime! The birds are chirping, and the sun is shining bright – could there be any better time to fill your shopping cart with piles of on-sale WHMCS modules? Yes, you got that right!

ModulesGarden’s well-known Summer Sale is upon us, offering all friends of the brand (that’s you, you guys!) a whopping 25% off everything – no exceptions! Available exclusively on the ModulesGarden Marketplace, this blowout sale is the perfect opportunity to stock up on classics and experiment with new favorites. Continue reading

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When Multibrand, EasyDCIM & MetricsCube work hand in glove – Zonat S.A. Success Story

We pride ourselves fiercely on serving some of the biggest, fastest-growing companies in tech. It is through the powerful combination of ModulesGarden WHMCS modules, EasyDCIM and MetricsCube that we have had the pleasure of delivering new levels of automation to Zonat S.A. – a company successfully building and growing some of the best web hosting and domain registration brands of all time. They’ve created tools to build, manage and secure your online presence like the Easy Site Builder – to set up a website in minutes, as well as a revolutionary Static Site Generator to manage and secure WP sites, and they specialize in providing affordable and full-featured web hosting packages.

Just recently, Zonat S.A. agreed to join us in a brief chat, and spilled some beans on what it’s like to work with ModulesGarden for almost half a decade. Have a compelling reading! Continue reading

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Join our egg-stra Easter Discount Hunt!

As Easter is approaching, we at ModulesGarden unite in sending the warmest wishes to our treasured customers. May this special holiday bring you health that never falters, new inspirations that lead to things falling into place, positive energy that makes you feel alive, and numerous reasons for happiness that lasts. Continue reading

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A stroll down memory lane of 2020

With Christmas just around the corner, our entire team joins in sending you and your loved ones the warmest wishes of serene and cheerful Holiday Season. May the run of good luck and fortune never end, bringing your way throughout the entire 2021 nothing but self-fulfillment, and glorious triumphs in all business matters!

Wishing you a joyous holiday and a wonderful year ahead - ModulesGarden

As always at this nostalgic time of the year, we hit a well-deserved pause to reflect on how far on our professional journey we have already come, and get excited at the direction we are heading in with our software endeavours. Continue reading

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OpenStack VPS & Cloud powers in potent fusion!

We like to think of every day as a chance to help businesses of any size excel through our software, and the best way to make that happen is by updating our products to always provide maximum functional capabilities and comfort in use all at once. When such an opportunity has emerged for one of our best-selling modules, we didn’t think twice and have squeezed that lemon dry! ;) Continue reading

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Get lost in the Cyber Black Week madness!

If there is one day in a whole year evoking in all people without exceptions a similar urge to lose oneself in the shopping delights, it must be Black Friday. How about we make the appetites twice as much voracious by pushing the buying spree into the full Cyber Black Week marathon? Continue reading

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Under the Microscope: WHMCS V8.0

The official introduction of WHMCS V8.0 General Availability has created quite a buzz among the community, and we are not surprised – after all, a whole new kit of implements has been put in the hands of not only business owners, but also software developers. Are you curious to find out what we REALLY think about this new release? Continue reading

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IBM Cloud at the core of WHMCS!

Business success begins with listening.

That’s correct – even though at first thought, listening alone may appear as an entirely passive process, it is essential to be mindful of the fact that if used wisely, it inevitably leads to active business growth. At that, by carefully listening to the customer voice, market-specific data can be scrupulously gathered and transformed into customer-oriented business moves. Continue reading

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Stay in the lead with perfectly matched custom software!

We are living in the 21st century, where everything around us changes at almost breakneck speed. The world surrounding you when you get to bed today, may not be the same one you will wake up in the next morning. Just like it is happening right now when we all have to familiarize ourselves with the new type of reality and redefine what “normal” looks like. Continue reading

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Cheers to the 25,000th member of the ModulesGarden family!

At ModulesGarden we have been on a clear-set mission since the very beginning of our software development adventure – to make day-to-day business management easier for each web hosting enterprise around the world. Having such a clear objective in mind, we embarked on this travel full of hope and faith in the bright future ahead. But none of us did then have the faintest idea that after so little time we will receive recognition among over 25,000 customers from all over the globe! As there will not be any more perfect occasion than that to tell you all how much we value your presence, faith and support exerted on our company, please accept our most heartfelt – thank you! Continue reading

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WHMCS Cloud Billing for AWS by ModulesGarden

Leading the pack of software houses in the dynamically changing, highly competitive web hosting industry requires being always alert and adaptive to quick market changes and diversified customers’ requirements. It means being able to spot a niche, an increasing demand that up to this point was met poorly or wasn’t met at all and, subsequently, plug this gap with the delivery of a perfect, on-spot solution. Continue reading

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Out with the old, in with the new!

With 2019 slowly drawing to a close, most of us take their time to reflect on what the past year has brought to them and make plans for the one approaching. Some might ask though, why even care to make such summaries? At ModulesGarden we believe that it is essential to look from a distance at what we have achieved during the previous year, assess the value of our undertakings, and most importantly – learn our lesson and draw conclusions for the future. Because it is our primary goal to never stop improving for you! Continue reading

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Ho ho ho!

Each year when Christmas is almost upon our doorstep, the entire ModulesGarden team groups together to take a look at all the blessings the past 12 months have bestowed us with. Please accept these heartfelt words of appreciation for your absolute trust in our services – without your support our company would exist in the name only. May this long-awaited holiday season bring you a well-earned rest and breathe into your life nothing but peace, joy, and felicity! Continue reading

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Let the Black Week frenzy begin!

As November came, bidding farewell to all the Halloween spookiness, the whisper on every store owner’s lips and the shout rising from every shopaholic across the globe declared the exact same thing: Black Friday is coming! Continue reading

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No tricks, just treats – join our frightfully cool Halloween contest!

Autumn comes, leaves fall, and the days are growing shorter and darker. What else does October bring? An excess of fancifully carved out pumpkins, a sudden spike in the making/purchase of costumes and an increased risk of tooth decay. It can mean only one thing – Halloween is coming! Continue reading

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Mold Your Business Insights Into Perfection!

How do you know which of your decisions turned out to be right and proved to benefit your company the most in the long run? How do you settle on what specific area of your current game plan should be improved in order to attract more profits in the future? There is only one way to gain such razor-sharp understanding of your business’s anatomy, and that way goes through diligent reporting and analysis of all your most valuable assets. Luckily, this doesn’t necessarily have to be too much of a challenge for you! Continue reading

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The season of hottest DirectAdmin deals has begun!

Summer is all about innovation and courage to step out of the comfort zone into the land of new opportunities. This year we are breaking the mold ourselves, inviting you to a promotion which is unlike any other we have ever offered. Make your business stand out this electrifying season with the most rejuvenating bargains on DirectAdmin-related software! Continue reading

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Developer Outsourcing ‐ Your Vision, Our Mission!

Time is money – no one knows it better than modern enterprises oriented at fast growth and steady income. And there is not a single business that would not have to give up some of their ambitious undertakings once in a while so as to address more burning issues.

But is it really the only choice you have?

If your company is strongly dependent on software, but you have too many things on your plate to deal with every tiniest task yourself, reaching out to an outside company may be just the help you need. Continue reading

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Products Reseller For WHMCS – Yay or Nay?

In an effort to enhance the appeal of our offer, we always seek new solutions to make the everyday management of web hosting companies even simpler. Recently we got inspired by the widespread interest our Domains Reseller For WHMCS module has been generating for these past few years. And so, we came up with the idea of creating a completely novel tool, similar to Domains Reseller For WHMCS, but dedicated entirely to… products.

Intrigued to see how this up-and-coming project will function in practical terms? Dive into our exclusive, pre-release features showcase! Continue reading

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